drinking the green kool-aid

Green kool-aid is how I like to describe the cult-like experience of raw food, or really any crazy diet. People always seem half-fascinated and half-horrified by my commitment to cleaning my colon, so I thought I'd share my experiences in excruciating detail. As with any train wreck, it's hard to look away. Nonetheless, I've managed to pick up some comrades along the way, as a result of my dear friends' curiosity and solidarity. Others interested in drinking the green kool-aid, holla.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

i don't need it, but i want it.

-green shake (i may drink these forever!)
-1/2 red pepper
-lemon-flavored larabar
-banana with almond butter
-flax crackers
-mango-jicama slaw, 1/2 avocado
-veggies (snap peas, carrots, tomatoes, beets, green pepper) with (non-raw) hummus
-some cooked spinach with tahini-lemon sauce
-crack, i mean filter bar

so i'm still pretty raw. i really needed that hummus to jazz up those vegetables and it really helped. if i have a dipping agent, i'm fine. if not, raw vegetables get old really fast for me. and in the grand scheme of things, hummus is not all that cooked. as far as the spinach goes - i've eaten a lot of raw spinach lately - i needed a change.

it should also be noted that i turned down both cake and delicious wheat products (pita) even though they were right under my nose. i'm getting good at this. i was craving a sweet after dinner (and going the the gym!) so i stopped by filter for a fix. i lucked out as their supply was back at last. it was bittersweet though - the bars continue to slide closer and closer to their (inferior) alliance counterparts.

newsflash - larabar is making all sorts of delicious new flavors including cinnamon roll and lemon. they are both amazing!


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