drinking the green kool-aid

Green kool-aid is how I like to describe the cult-like experience of raw food, or really any crazy diet. People always seem half-fascinated and half-horrified by my commitment to cleaning my colon, so I thought I'd share my experiences in excruciating detail. As with any train wreck, it's hard to look away. Nonetheless, I've managed to pick up some comrades along the way, as a result of my dear friends' curiosity and solidarity. Others interested in drinking the green kool-aid, holla.

Monday, June 12, 2006

day 14. misery.

ok, well i started out the day consuming nothing but water and juice: carrots, spinach, ginger, celery. i felt so horrible, weak and dizzy. after much debate, i broke the juice fast with a banana and some almond butter. it helped.

weight update: 112.5 llbs

i don't think i've weighed this little since elementary school. seriously. if you do the math, i have lost 4% of my body weight since i started this thing, a mere 2 weeks ago. i don't think this is necessarily a good thing. so, no more juicing for me! i will continue to be raw for the next couple of days, and then it's back to the world of cooked food for me.


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