sneak preview - what is to come.
i watched karyn's week 2 dvd today. it was a doozy! in addition to the green shake (16-20 0z), green kamut (32 oz), rejuvelac (12-16 oz), fenugreek, enzymes and my favorite bentonite/pysllium coctail, in week 2 we look forward to the following additions:
- double strength green kamut
- increased psyllium dose
- oxycare -- stabilized hydrogen peroxcide (added to the green kamut)
- vegetable juice (12 oz) -- greens and carrots only, no fruit
- energy soup (8 oz) -- rejuvelac, greens, sprouts, dulse, apples, avocado
- wheatgrass or e3 (minimum of 1 oz)
- enemas (3 buckets full, done with fenugreek water) ONCE A DAY FOR 7 DAYS!
- "implants" -- taking a chlorophyll enema and "holding" it in for 20 minutes, after each fenugreek enema
if anyone out there is learned in these matters, please get in touch. i could use the advice and moral support.
rbp -- in general, food that has not been heated above 116 degrees is considered raw. so, you can do lukewarm foods, however, i am sure your tomato soup was pre-cooked first! marinating is wonderful. so are smoothies though. let's definitely do it! i will freeze lots of bananas in preparation!
lissa - oh my god - thanks for the advice! it makes me feel so good to know i've got a seasoned vet at home. i may indeed call on you in my time of need. i must say - i am really excited about seeing some gunk! do you think i should i buy an enema kit from a drugstore or just buy karyn's?
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