temptation strikes.
as i mentioned, i really haven't been craving cooked food this time around. until tonight. i went to a potluck for a friend's birthday. social situations are probably the hardest part of this cleanse, but i was prepared. i made a huge tray of raw slaw and gg. made some zucchini pasta. as it turned out there was even some raw-approved jerusalem salad. i was in great shape at what could have been a potentially disastrous event. and then there was dessert. fig newtons, chocolate chip cookies and the motherload: tiny, beautiful, chocolate cupcakes. i nearly lost all will to the sweets, but i managed to stay strong. i immediately picked up the phone to try to get a filter bar fix, but their supply was still out. instead i got through it with the help of that chocolate larabar. it was a very close call.
in sum:
-green shake
-cousin's leftovers: 2 pistachio falafel, 2 flax pizza, 1 flax cracker, 2 pieces of lettuce, 2 slices of tomato
-apple, 7 almonds, handful of raisins
-raw slaw (cabbage, carrots, beets, apple, raisins, applejuice, cider vinegar)
-1/2c. zucchini pasta with tahini-sun-dried tomato sauce
-couple spoonfuls of jerusalem salad
-chocolate coconut chew larabar
also: kamut, fenugreek, psyllium/bentonite
still feel good though definitely bloated. could be pms, but i'm pretty sure it's the psyllium.
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