drinking the green kool-aid

Green kool-aid is how I like to describe the cult-like experience of raw food, or really any crazy diet. People always seem half-fascinated and half-horrified by my commitment to cleaning my colon, so I thought I'd share my experiences in excruciating detail. As with any train wreck, it's hard to look away. Nonetheless, I've managed to pick up some comrades along the way, as a result of my dear friends' curiosity and solidarity. Others interested in drinking the green kool-aid, holla.

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Days 14, 15, 16. It's all a blur.

I got my wisdom teeth out on Monday. It suuuucked. It's really hard to eat low-carb when all of your food needs to go through a blender. When you can't chew, meat is not your friend. These last days have been a blur, but I'll do my best to recap:

--oatmeal (I think this is legit)
--a brown rice cake with peanut butter. The peanut butter had honey (and thus, was gross) but I was told not to go to the dentist on an empty stomach and I was worried/desperate.
--pureed cauliflower with roasted garlic (pretty good!)
--mamey shake with milk
--more milk (dentist recommended!)

--1 scrambled egg
--smoothie with strawberries, blueberries, yogurt, milk
--half a smoothie with banana, honey, cocoa powder, protein powder
--2 poached eggs, my healthy/yogurt-y version of hollandaise sauce, pureed squash with butter
--some brie

--2 poached eggs, more hollandaise
--smoothie with banana, peanut butter, cocoa, milk
--a piece of chicken, dal with greens

So, while I haven't been super bad, I've definitely had some off limits foods, including bananas, sweetener, plenty of dairy, and white rice (while sick). I checked the scale today and it wasn't good, but it wasn't too awful either. Believe it or not, I am looking forward to getting back on the sugar busters wagon!


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