drinking the green kool-aid

Green kool-aid is how I like to describe the cult-like experience of raw food, or really any crazy diet. People always seem half-fascinated and half-horrified by my commitment to cleaning my colon, so I thought I'd share my experiences in excruciating detail. As with any train wreck, it's hard to look away. Nonetheless, I've managed to pick up some comrades along the way, as a result of my dear friends' curiosity and solidarity. Others interested in drinking the green kool-aid, holla.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006


i was considerably less hungry today than yesterday. i wasn't miserable thinking about food (though i am still obsessing over it) and seem to be breaking the habit of eating "meals" and have been constantly eating small snacks instead. this is what i ate today:

  • 16 oz. of previously mentioned green foamy drink
  • handful of grapes
  • salad: mixed greens, sunflower seeds, handful of grape tomatoes, 1/2 red bell pepper, 1/2 avocado, 3 raw mushrooms, a couple of raspberries, more of that lemon dressing from karyn's
  • more raw mushrooms, more grapes
  • an apple pie larabar - so delicious!
  • almond pate, some sprouted lentil/chickpea salad, raw green bean salad and some wheatberry crackers, all from karyn's
  • rejuvelac (8 oz)
  • small piece of raw/sprouted bread, almond butter, 1/4 apple
  • 3 brazil nuts, another bite or two of almond pate

some important notes for today:
  • rejuvelac, for those non-crunchy types out there, is a beverage made out of fermented vegetables. i know it sounds gross, but it has almost no flavor, it just tastes like water that is a little off. i have a feeling i will grow sick of it immediately, but for now, it's a relatively painless part of this whole thing.
  • almond pate is delicious. somehow, eating food that tastes good is much more effective at sating me than eating piles of food that is uninteresting or borderline gross. i only ate about 4 oz total of that combo of salads from karyn's but i felt great afterward and probably would not have needed to eat again tonight if i hadn't gone to the gym.
  • marinated vegetables practically taste cooked. that's right - apparently one can drastically change the texture and flavor of raw stuff by soaking it in things that taste good. when i got home tonight, i started a bunch of veggies marinating in the fridge for my lunch tomorrow. i am looking forward to it! could this mean i can get excited about food again?

green foam

i'm in better spirits today and ready to tackle this thing whole hog. i picked up the vast majority of the supplies last night so it's time to jump in. my psyllium/bentonitite coctail went a little bit better this morning (yes, you really do this TWICE a day). i decreased the amount of clay and chugged it as fast as i could. instead of the hardened gray sludge of last night it was more like the texture of very thick snot. i'm sorry i'm making you read about this, but at least you're not drinking it.

after waiting 30 minutes for my coctail to settle, i popped some fenugreek capsules and went to work on my breakfast drink. this must be consumed before any other food. unfortunately, i didn't have all of the necessary ingredients, so i had to improvise a little replacing the prescribed banana and apple juice with some orange juice and raspberries. also included:
  • flax oil - for omega 3's, fiber, and other stuff
  • lecithin granules - for texture, and to help repair cells
  • green meal - this is esssentially algae, kinda gross, but not too bad
i think the addition of the fruit makes it taste less "green" and all in all this drink is tremendously more tolerable than struggling with bentonite. tomorrow i should have some bananas/apple juice and i dare say i am looking forward to it.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

dry heaves, take 1.

i drank my first bentonite and psyllium coctail. for those raw novices out there, bentonite is a clay that is used to draw out toxins from the body; psyllium is water soluble fiber that creates bulk and pushes everything through. while the pysllium seems harmless enough, i dare proclaim that clay is not fit for human consumption. emily was a trooper and watched me dry heave with every bite (note: the mixture was so thick i had to eat it with a spoon) and kindly suggested some honey to help things down. the last spoonful was dangerously close to ending up down emily's sink: everytime i put some in my mouth it would come halfway back up before finally going down. an hour later and i still feel completely ill. gross.

food, not so glorious food.

today in food:
  • mango, 3 brazil nuts
  • a ginger snap flavored larabar
  • some raw asparagus
  • mixed greens, 1/2 an avocado, grape tomatoes, some sunflower seeds and a dressing made of lemon juice, flax oil and olive oil
  • a green apple
  • some more grape tomatoes and 3 more brazil nuts
  • another salad courtesy of kay, made of lettuce, tomatoes, avocado, orange bell pepper, peach, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, and ground flax, topped off with some lemon salad dressing
in sum, though i ate more than enough today, i continually felt unsatisfied and hungry. something was missing, at least mentally. luckily, kay's salad was the highlight of my day, giving me the strength and willpower to do this all again tomorrow. this is going to be a long 30 days.

the beginning of the end.

so g. and i have decided to take the plunge into a raw detox diet. the next 30 days shall be filled with tales of raw vegetables and green meal, concoctions and edible clay, cult mentality and general obsession, and plenty of dietary-induced insantity. oh yeah, and shit. be prepared to hear about lots of shit. we're talking about cleaning our colon, don't forget.

warning: there may be pictures of poop. prepare yourselves.

benefits of this detox allegedly include:
  • improved mental clarity
  • extreme health
  • a youthful appearance and "glow"
  • cell efficiency
  • weight and inches lost
  • and of course, a squeaky clean colon
i'd like to go about this in the most scientific manner i can, so here are some benchmark stats to get us started:
  • 25 years old
  • 116-117 lbs
  • overall good general health
  • normal bowel movements
  • frequent struggles with runny nose
  • easily distracted
alright! for those of you (and there are many) who are too fearful to drink the green kool-aid with me, i hope my own adventure proves entertaining. with any luck, i'll have my partner in crime posting here as well. wish us luck!