Let's be honest.
It doesn't really matter what I ate today, but I do want to tell you what I had for dinner:
-a small handful of trail mix
-a lot of tofu/peanut butter/chocolate pudding
-more peanut butter (on a spoon)
-a chicken leg
-some milk
Seriously, you can't make this shit up.
Sometimes I come home late and I'm tired and hungry. I don't want to cook so I just eat a few bites of a bunch of random crap. All in all, this wasn't a terrible "meal" but I do kind of wish I had steamed some asparagus and ate it along with some frittata, as originally planned. But that damn frittata took too long!
Also, tofu pudding should be reclassified as a dinner food instead of dessert. It has no sugar! Only a squirt of agave and a bit of stevia. It's tofu and peanut butter: pure protein! And everyone knows cocoa powder is pretty much inert, right?