tired of the raw today.
-1 1/2 filter bars
-coconut/pineapple/banana/ginger smoothie
-couple of date-coconut things
-3/4 c zuchini hummus, 1 carrot
-handful of almonds
-handful of cashews
-8 oz. apple juice
i found myself getting a little tired of raw food so i made some zucchini hummus to renew my interest in eating. for the most part, it worked. it also gave me terrible breath (raw garlic). if anyone wants to eat anywhere that raw food is served (karyn's, chicago diner, cousin's,etc) or is interested in some mean raw food prep, please let me know. i could use some variety in my diet about now. still - i was at a social event last night with lots of yummy food (and cake!) and i remained strong. my will cannot be broken.
my cravings aren't too bad actually, but these are things i would like to eat post-raw:
-take-a-hike scone
-long coconut bun
-falafel (from sultan's)
-indian food
also: it's worth noting that i went to the gym tonight, for the first time since my accident. i did ok for someone with only one functional arm. overall, it felt pretty good. i also took the opportunity to weigh in. hard to say how much weight i've lost since my normal range is 117-120, but i would guess it's about 3-4 pounds. i wonder how much of that is poop weight!
current weight: 114.5 lbs